Releasing, Letting go, Letting life flow like a peaceful river.

By: Gladys Gonzalez

Meditation is a technique that helps us train the mind to be more open, clearer, more peaceful and happier. Through meditation we can learn how to live in the present moment; discover who we really are, as well as our life’s purpose.  We acquire the power to move from the reactive side of our reptilian brain to the frontal or executive brain to take wiser decisions.

In meditation we may find many techniques but all lead to the same outcome. Everyone can choose the one that better fit their needs, is like yoga where people can practice multiple yoga styles with the same purpose. I am a certified teacher in Vipassana meditation, as well as Mindfulness meditation. They both have served me in the process toward mental and spiritual transformation.

Meditation is not a religion.  It will equally help everyone in strengthening their spirituality and religious beliefs with no conflict or faith’s interference.

Most of our suffering comes from leaving in the past (painful memories) or preventing future events from happening by planning and trying to controll our own life and the lives of those we care about, ignoring that what is real happens only in the present moment. We can’t change the past because is gone; we can’t prevent the future because is unpredictable. We can only transform the way we relate to life’s events to find peace of mind regardless of circumstances. That’s why meditation is a key tool in our path to happiness.

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