
“We do not heal the past by dwelling there, we heal the past by living fully in the present” -Marianne Williamson.

Gladys Gonzalez – Program Director

To promote peace, people need to have peace within. We are conscious that life is challenging and sometimes even threatening, which may trigger negative states of mind. We also know that our attitude toward stressful events makes the difference between peace and turmoil, clarity and confusion, positive and negative outcomes.

I learned this lesson first-hand. Most of my life, I didn’t know how to deal with difficult circumstances and brought pain and suffering into my life; I know by experience that people need to develop a set of skills to successfully navigate the unexpected changes of life. I developed those skills through my studies of Life and Wellness coaching, as well as the practice of yoga and meditation (I have been a meditator for 7 years). Today I am a certified coach and a meditation teacher. I want to share my blessings with people in need of emotional healing.

Our Emotional Healing support is focused on 3 main areas:

  • Life and Wellness Coaching – English/Spanish (Face to face, Skype, Phone, Whatsapp)
  • Meditation (group session)
  • Courses and worshops to support emotional healing.
    • Introduction to Mindfulness (6 weeks -2 hr class weekly)
    • Enhancing Resilience
    • Defining our Core Values
    • Connection between Suffering and Attachment
    • The art of Surrendering our Ego
    • The Law of Prosperity

These services are offered on donation basis with minimum donation requirement. Scholarships available for financial hardship.

Emotional Healing is not a quick fix. It takes time and personal work. We do require commitment.

For appointments or group meditation sessions check our calendar.
For more information about the programs and donations please call: 801-888-2705, email to gladys.gonzalez@ocipeace.org or send a skype invitation to Peace46 for us to contact you.