The Healing of our Culture

By: Stephen Tolpinrud

Environmental research is showing that global ecological deterioration has grown at a disproportional rate during recent years. Human society is accelerating the destruction of life by decimating biodiversity, toxifying ecosystems, and destabilizing the climate.

Humanity’s quality of life is assuredly decreasing and the potential risk of extinction should not be ignored. The water that sustains our communities is increasingly contaminated (think Flint, Michigan) and scarce; the air we breathe is polluted at will by large corporations (think VW emissions scandal); the food we eat is adulterated by chemical pesticides (think methyl bromide or pesticide residue); and society seems to do very little to educate one another about ways to protect the environment, and one’s right to a healthy life.

The protection of the environment is a personal, as well as a collective responsibility. There are numerous factors that lead to environmental destruction, including systemic causes i.e. colonialism, neo-colonialism, capitalism, and other convoluted structures. Yet, a great place to create change is with oneself. Opening one’s heart and mind, while getting involved in often times simple ways can make a big difference. 

A simple way to contribute to the healing of the planet is by conserving water.Water is a natural resource basic to human survival. It is not a limitless resource and if we don’t preserve it, someday, that precious liquid we take for granted could be exhausted. We overuse water constantly by not being conscious of it as a resource that protects the balance of life on earth. 

The United States Bureau of Reclamations reported that during the last century more than 21 species of fish went extinct in 17 western States. Why? It was due to the degradation of the fish’s habitats. One reason the habitats were/are degraded is the growth of the human population, which ultimately increases the demand for water – thereby leading to less water in streams, rivers, and lakes. We can’t stop human growth, but we can make people conscious of the importance to reduce their use of water. To reduce consumption of water is great for our planet, and for personal finances.

The greater the demand for water, the greater the price we need to pay for this precious liquid. By reducing one’s use of water one can lower monthly water bills. Reduction in water can be achieved with varying means, which we will describe in our next post.

These articles will be published the first week of every month. Please send us your comments and requests for issues you would like us to write in regard to protection of the planet.

June article will be about recycling of water. 

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