Every person is unique, so you need to start by searching your definition of happiness.

For me happiness is a combination of peace, harmony, fulfillment, and joy.

Something I share with my readers is the concept that happiness cannot be provided by your spouse, children, society, or anyone else. It is a decision you take daily. Life is not only difficult but also plenty of changes. And if you expect to be happy when your problems disappear, then you won’t ever be happy.


  • Resilience.  It is about learning to adapt to changes and to bounce back when unexpected painful events come into your life.  When you learn to adapt to changes with good attitude, you have found one of the keys toward happiness. 
  • Savoring. It is the capacity to contemplate an experience o something you love to do recognizing every single moment of it. Savoring intensify and lengthens the positive emotions by thinking about how lucky you are to enjoy such an amazing moment.
  • Gratitude Journal.   Gratitude is a positive emotional state in which you recognize and appreciate what you have in life. A gratitude journal helps us to be aware of things we sometimes take for granted like the fact that we are alive, healthy, and blessed. Sometimes we only thing about the bad events in our life and we ask Why this happens to me? Think about the many blessings you receive like a promotion in your job, the daily protection of yourself and your family. Do you ask at those moments, WHY ME? Or you just take it for granted? Gratitude has the power to do 3 things: To Heal, To Energize, To Change Lives.

Ask yourself: 

Am I grateful for my health?

Am I grateful for having a place to live?

Am I grateful for my children, or do I focus more on the problems they bring into my life?

Am I grateful for my job or the job of the person that provide me with a roof over my head, food on the table, and companionship?

Am I grateful for my friends?

Sometimes we focus our happiness on the awesome stuff like true love, perfect body, good grades at school but awesome stuff don’t make people happier. There is a big difference into moments of happiness and being happy. No doubt that having a good grade brings happiness into our life, but that is not real stuff. Buying a new car also provides a moment of happiness that soon disappears. 

According to research made by the Science of Well Being at the University of Yale, Happiness is under our control:

50% of happiness comes from the genes

40% comes from Actions, and thought (which is under our control)

10% comes from life happenings

Si tienes preguntas o te gustaría escribir para este blog envia un email a gladys.gonzalez@ocipeace.org

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