What is spirituality?

Spirituality has different meanings according to the believes of human beings. For that reason, I don’t pretend to give a definition of spirituality for everyone, only what I understand for spirituality. If that is something that resounds to you, then this is an invitation to actively participate in our blog, make comments, share thoughts, and even send articles that might be published according to the editor’s criteria.

Spirituality for a religious person may be based on the dogma or doctrine taught at church, which is perfectly valid, while spirituality for many others are totally different to religion. Based on my believes about freedom and respect for the believes and faith of others when I write about spirituality, I relate it to the union of mind, body, and spirit, unconditional love, peace, and service.

Our branding is based on Peace from within, Peace with Mother Earth, Peace within communities. That is my concept of spirituality. Peace and unity. If you want to know more about  the non profit organization Our Color is Peace, take a few minutes to visit the page and learn about our programs of meditation, emotional healing, and Ambassadors of Peace.

Do you want to understand how meditation helps you to be happier, enjoy peace, better health, and emotional healing? we will be offering you small readings on our blog every day during the next week. (August 26 to August 30).

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