Reprogramming the Brain

Let’s start by discussing who we really are. Probably this is one of the most difficult subjects to address since every individual is different. The human uniqueness factor means that there is a different answer for every person. The reality is that what people think themselves to be; that is who they are.

Considering a deeper meaning of who we are, I can say that meaningful research has demonstrated we are a combination of energy and information. Our human body may be comprised of layers of energy that conform the human energy field.

These layers are our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional characteristics. We usually think of our bodies as flesh, skin, bone, organs, blood, which are organized through different systems such as the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the immunological system and so on. But the reality is that everything that makes up our bodies is also energy. Some of us may sense that energy. However, there are those whose belief systems inhibit their ability to sense the energy fields.

The emotional energy is where our feelings and emotions reside. The mental energy is where our ideas come from, the spiritual energy is where our higher awareness, spiritual realization, and connection with God reside, and according to that spirituality and awareness, we are more inclined toward kindness, unconditional love, compassion, and peace.

However, it could happen that instead of our hearts being focused on spirituality, our human condition leads us into focusing on our ego’s satisfaction. Something important to remember is that energy changes constantly. One day we may feel very spiritual and the next day don’t. That is why awareness is important, to notice the change and find again our energetic spiritual balance.

The interesting part of this knowledge is the possibility to recognize our capacity to re-programing our brain, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions in order to make wiser choices, instead of reacting to the impulses of our reptilian brain.

Our personal beliefs are developed during our early childhood based on our experiences, and by accepting what other trustworthy persons, such as our parents, teachers, close family members, and persons we admire, tell us. Many of our core beliefs can become positive principles in our lives. At the same time, some of them could lead us into feelings of fear, unworthiness and low self-esteem.

For example, if during your childhood you were compared with your siblings in a negative way: “Your brother has better grades than you because you are lazy”. It could happen that if you had studied hard, you could develop a false belief that you are not intelligent, or good enough to obtain good grades. Such experiences are likely to create negative beliefs and feelings that could stay with you for the rest of your life if you don’t have the appropriate tools to reprograming your negative beliefs.

We are lucky to live in an era where scientific research has proven that our brain can be reprogramed, and our beliefs can be changed because of the neuroplasticity of our brain. I am not implying that meditation and other non- conventional emotional healing tools can completely replace psychiatric and psychological treatments. Depending on the severity of the case psychiatric and/or psychological treatment may be required, but today it is scientifically proved that mindfulness and other types of meditation and no conventional therapy can help a person find the root cause of the emotional problems, and provide means to bring healing to the mind and brain.

It is for that reason that I created this non-profit organization: to be able to help people that do not have financial means to afford expensive treatments and are committed to do the work to heal their wounds. The services of the organization are offered on donation basis. It is important to reinstate that emotional healing is not a quick fix. It takes time and commitment, but it is possible. I am certified as a Life and Wellness coach, Vipassana Meditation teacher, and Mindfulness teacher. I have experienced the journey of emotional healing through meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other therapies, and I would like to be a conduit for others on the same path.

To set up an appointment go to the calendar. We do English and Spanish coaching sessions, through phone, skype or other phone internet applications.

For more information call Gladys at 801-888-2705 or email to:

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