I will start a series of articles about eight (8) powers associated with the practice of meditation:

  • The power of understanding                         * The power of patience
  • The power of letting go                                * The power of trusting
  • The power of surrender                                * The power of acceptance
  • The power of unconditional love                  * The power of choice

Why I will write about these powers? Because they help us to live happier lives, get ride of fear, and understand that we were created to succeed and to be happy. Suffering is a consequence of the decisions we take; it is not permanent; t will pass like any other life’s event.

From my personal point of view there is a difference between pain and suffering. Pain is inevitable, is part of life. The pain can be physical or emotional due to an illness, the loss of somebody we love, or any other type of loss, and it is temporary.

Suffering is a mental and emotional state that happens when we are attached to a specific feeling that deprive us from seeing the reality of an event that we cannot change because it already happened. Nevertheless, we can change our attitude to face it. Let’s look at a real case that happened to one of my friends. She lost her husband in a car’s accident. She had two kids the oldest 12, and the youngest 10. For two years she was devastated and said she would never be able to get over that lost. Her family decided to help her financially so the kids would be able to continue going to school, having a nice house to live, and enjoying a privileged life. My friend spent her time thinking about the tragedy of her life, feeling lonely and considering why this had to happen to her. She would cry constantly and started to get into a depressive state.

At that point her father lost her job and was not in a condition to help her financially anymore. She was forced to face a new reality, she had to change her attitude because her kids needed her now more than ever. She started some counseling and she was able to understand it was time to step up to the financial challenge if she wanted to provide for her children. She had a business career but had not worked because there was no need. She received some business training and suddenly she noticed she was not as depressed as she used to be. She started working and discovered many talents she was not aware of. Today, she is a bright successful professional, and a happy woman.

Understanding our own powers can help us to change suffering into joy.

If you would like to share your story , want to learn more about the powers of meditation, or need some support to go through a difficult time you can contact me through www.ocipeace.org or  email me at gladys.gonzalez@ocipeace.org

We are a non-profit organization

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